Student Opportunities

Ph.D. students

**We are currently accepting new students**

Students interested in pursuing advanced research training in speech perception, speech acoustics, hearing science, or auditory cognitive science are encouraged to contact Dr. Fogerty ( regarding research training opportunities.  More information can be found on the Speech and Hearing Science Ph.D. Program page.

Independent Study

Undergraduate and graduate students may register for independent study and receive course credit for research training completed in the Speech Perception Lab.  Interested students must obtain permission from Dr. Fogerty prior to registering for independent study.  

Research Assistant Positions

Students with interests in speech and hearing, cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, physical acoustics, or engineering are encouraged to contact Dr. Fogerty for research opportunities in the Speech Perception Laboratory.

Interested students may apply for volunteer research assistant positions to explore potential research interests in speech and hearing science.  Students may also contact Dr. Fogerty to propose a research project as a James Scholar.